What we suggest
Individual residencies can last from a few days to up to one month. We offer an orientation meeting, introduction to the local art scene and networking with the experts in specific cultural and/or research fields of the resident, a final presentation of resident’s research/project results (the format is open and upon the resident’s choice – from small presentation to exhibition).
What we expect
The resident is expected to share the outcome of her/his artistic research. The format (presentation, exhibition, performance, screening, workshop, manifesto, etc) is up to the resident. Additional events or workshops must be organized with the approval of ICA.
Applicants are responsible for covering the residency fee which includes rent, utilities and administrative support. The Nest team will issue acceptance letters for successful residents and support their applications for external grants to cover the residency fee.
Fees are to be paid in advance.
• 12.500 AMD (30€) per day;
• 75.000 AMD (175 €) per week;
• 260.000 AMD (600 €) per month.
How to apply
Please fill the Nest Art Residency application form
Listen to our GUEST AT NEST podcast series and discover the stories of the international artists and curators hosted at NEST Art Residency.